Anywho on to today's cricut project. I found a make it now project for Easter yard signs and thought I could make the same thing but for the kids baskets. I think they turned out really neat and doing it this way I could easily personalize them.
These signs are 5.5 inches. I used two different bunnies for just some fun. I took the backs of each of the bunnies and lined them up in the corner and sliced the image so it would sit right in the corner. I cut out the rest of the bunny and then just hand trimmed it to make things easier. I used a black pen for writing.
For Drianna's sign I used light pink cardstock for the main part of the sign. For this bunny I went for a chocolate bunny. I used dark pink cardstock for the bunnies nose, ears and bow tie. I also added an Easter egg to the top just to fill in the empty space using the same color pink I used on the bunny.
For Summer's I used the same dark pink cardstock for the main part of the sign. I wanted to give this sign a white bunny and this bunny is just too cute. I did the same thing to this bunny that I did to the other. I used the light pink card stock for the ears, nose and the egg.
These signs are pretty easy to make once you know what you want to do. I can't wait to add these to their baskets and see my kids faces. Thank you all for joining me and I hope you have a great week. Stay tunes for a update video as well as a haul video.
Happy Crafting
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